Gardening among tall pines in Colorado, one must embrace nature as it comes.
Pine Cone DLB 2023
Light, airy, and sophisticated, modern English language haiku eschew the stocky 5-7-5 form we all learned in elementary school. But for me, the old form remains a satisfying, if childlike way, to capture the wonder and awe of nature.
Haiku Around the Yard
by Deborah L. Brewer
peonies in bloom—
finches dine on cat-mint buds
in soft morning light
a red-tailed hawk cries—
magpies gorge fresh cottontail
on the forest floor
the bright sky darkens,
hailstones descend in icy rage—
irises no more
woodpeckers hammer
rain gutters like kettle drums—
goldfinch in the pines
blue sky and sunshine—
a black bear and her two cubs
amble down the road